Friends 4Ever: a "Murder" Mystery Comedy...for Kids!
Children's Comedy (8 W, 4M)
Jane hasn’t had the best of luck making friends since she moved to town. It doesn’t help that the house she now lives in was once the scene of a mysterious crime. Now nearly everyone at school is convinced that she’s a ghost. All of that is about to change when her birthday rolls around and she decides to throw an incredible party. Everyone will come. Everyone will see how normal she (and her house) is. Everything is going to be great. Or will it? When a mysterious girl named Paige shows up and guests begin to go missing, it’s up to Jane and her ever-faithful butler Alistair to get to the bottom of this birthday whodunnit.
Jane hasn’t had the best of luck making friends since she moved to town. It doesn’t help that the house she now lives in was once the scene of a mysterious crime. Now nearly everyone at school is convinced that she’s a ghost. All of that is about to change when her birthday rolls around and she decides to throw an incredible party. Everyone will come. Everyone will see how normal she (and her house) is. Everything is going to be great. Or will it? When a mysterious girl named Paige shows up and guests begin to go missing, it’s up to Jane and her ever-faithful butler Alistair to get to the bottom of this birthday whodunnit.